Osteopathy: The name osteopathy was coined by Dr. Still by combining two words of ancient Greek origin. "osteon" (ὀστέον) means bone, and "pathos" (πάθεια) means hurt, disease. Taken together: osteopathy, the literal meaning of which is bone disease.
With this term, he indicated that the diseases of the human body lie in the disordered musculoskeletal system. He believed that by mobilizing and manipulating certain parts of the body, many musculoskeletal and internal diseases can be treated without invasive interventions and the negative side effects of drugs. Many people confuse osteopathy with chiropractic. Although joint manipulations (crunches) were prominent in Dr. Still's methods, the treatment now only includes such maneuvers in very justified cases, and even then, performed with such precision that even positioning alone can lead to results, without an impulse after the final position.

In today's terms, therefore, osteopathy is a holistic, open-minded medical approach, the main area of which is the treatment of problems of the locomotor system by taking the body as a whole into account. Its tool is the manual methodology, i.e. the methodology carried out with bare hands. Its philosophy Despite the above-mentioned contradiction, the mission of osteopathy is the same as that of all medical systems: curing diseases and helping people. Its difference lies on the one hand in the fact that it specializes in the treatment of the musculoskeletal system, and on the other hand in the fact that some of its methods are still difficult to prove, and there is currently no instrument available to measure its effectiveness. Only therapists and cured patients can give him credit. This, however, is too subjective to be accepted by evidence-based medicine (for otherwise understandable reasons). Since the treatments may contain non-evidence-base elements, we often read about osteopathy being classified as a pseudoscience, even though some of its elements have already been accepted by science. The old osteopathic doctors used to recommend to the skeptics, in the absence of some evidence, that in the case of a locomotor problem, they should confidently turn to an osteopathic specialist, and they would accept the criticisms made after the treatment with respect. The goal of osteopathy is to treat diseases conservatively, without drugs and invasive interventions. According to his views, by correcting structural disharmony in the body's skeletal muscle system, by restoring the body's structure and circulatory system, most diseases of musculoskeletal origin can be cured.

Principles of Osteopathy1. The principle of self-healingThe body has excellent self-regulatory mechanisms and has the ability to protect, repair and transform. Dr. Andrew Taylor Still said, "Find it, fix it, and leave it alone." "Find it, fix it, then leave it alone." This means that the task of the osteopath is to lead the patient to the right lifestyle by restoring the body's dysfunctions. If he has done this, he will release his guest and only then recommend further treatment, and only as much as is actually necessary.2. The principle of harmony Structure and function are closely related to each other. This means that it is an active and passive part of the locomotor system, so the muscular and skeletal systems mutually support each other's work, and if one "gets into trouble", the support of the other breaks its own function in order to keep the unit up. For example, if we bend over a lot in front of the computer, the balance of the muscles (the function) will be upset: Some will shorten, some will stretch. By keeping them permanently in this position, they adapt and produce this state even when we stand up from the screen. Muscles are able to pull the structure of the skeleton (structure), so a hunched posture is observed when standing. If we pay attention to the correct posture and maintain our muscles through exercise, they will keep the structure (our skeleton) in its physiological position. As American research physician Dr. Thomas Hanna said: “Function maintains structure

"3. The principle of unity Mind, body and spirit are the integrated unity of the human body. If a problem occurs in one of them, it will have a reciprocal effect on the others. Osteopathy teaches you to keep each element in balance, so your treatment is much more effective and can last longer. This does not mean that the guest will encounter psychological elements during an osteopath treatment, but it is a well-known fact that emotional influences can create musculoskeletal problems. If the human body as a whole is restored, then there will be true health. We could also write: "Sound in body, sound mind." Technical elements of OsteopathySpecializations Its ultimate goal is to cure musculoskeletal diseases and rehabilitate injuries. The broad approach mentioned above appears here. Since, according to his philosophy, everything is connected with everything, he also holds up the possibility that locomotor problems can originate not only from the locomotor system, but also from any anatomical and physiological dysfunction through muscle and connective tissue chains and different nervous system receptor sensitivities. This is how shoulder pain can arise from problems with the mobility and statics of the liver. Three related, but systematic, main areas of expertise have emerged: Parietal osteopathy The area of osteopathy that deals with the musculoskeletal system. These include finding and solving problems with muscles, tendons, bones, joints, ligaments, and fascia as a connective tissue. This specialty is the most accepted and versatile part of osteopathy. Cranial Osteopathy Created by Dr. Still's direct student: William Garner Sutherland DO. (1873-1954).

The area of osteopathy dealing with the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord). These are treated using indirect methods using techniques performed on the skull bone, vertebrae, and sacrum. According to osteopathy, the sutures of the cranial bones have small, delicate micro-movements, for example when breathing. When these movements are inhibited, it manifests as dysfunction somewhere in the body. Visceral osteopathy deals with the statics of internal organs, i.e. their position, natural movement and the position of the tissues connected to them. Most of our organs are covered by a connective tissue system, through which they are connected to each other. With the help of this connection, our organs have natural mobility and follow their own internal rhythms. Dysfunction can occur, for example, when the natural movement of the liver is inhibited during prolonged slouching, which occurs when the pressure in the abdomen changes due to breathing. In the long term, this can cause tension in the connective tissue, which can manifest as musculoskeletal problems. One of its great pioneers is Jean-Pierre Barral DO. Knowledge The osteopath specialist has general theoretical knowledge of medicine, which means detailed knowledge of anatomy and physiology. Additional qualifications: Knowledge of orthopedics and rheumatology. Knowledge of neurology, craniosacral methods. Examination and diagnostic procedures: Neurological tests, passive and functional tests, visceral tests. Soft tissue mobilization/manipulation: Movement and release of muscles, connective tissues, ligaments and tendons. in order to achieve a range of motion, if necessary, with special maneuvers to repair dislocations, microsprains, and vertebral blocks. Visceral mobilization: restoring the physiological movements of internal organs. Neuromobilization:

Idegnyújtások, mozgatások, csúsztatásokFasciaspecifikus technikák: Az izmok és zsigerek feletti, közötti és alatti vékony kötőszövetes hártya kezelése.Aktív mozgásterápia: Ismerik az emberi test biomechanikáját, kinematikáját, mozgássztereotípiákat, így szükség esetén tornával segítik pácienseiketA tudástárat folyamatosan bővítik, minden területükben tudományosan naprakészek A kezelésMinden oszteopát rendelőben anamnesis felvétellel, és nagyon alapos vizsgálattal kezdődik. Mindenekelőtt a szakember kötetlen beszélgetés formájában megismeri páciensét, és annak problémáját. Diszkréten rákérdez minden olyan apró elemre is, ami fontos lehet a kezelés hatékonyságának szempontjából. Az anamnesis felvétele után a vizsgálatok következnek. Filozófiája mentén az egész test azon részeit vizsgálja, amik összefüggésben állhatnak a problémával. Ezért fordulhat elő, hogy a szakember nem csak az adott területet, hanem attól jóval távolabbi szegmenseket is érint, esetleg olyan sérülések, balesetek iránt érdeklődik, amik több évtizede fordultak elő. A kezelés menete mindig az anamnesistől, és a státusztól függ. Nincs előre elkészített protokoll, a terápia mindig személyre szabott lesz. Főként manuális technikákkal találkozhat a vendég, de előfordulhatnak kiegészítő terápiás eszközök, és műszerek is. A páciens végig tájékoztatva van arról, hogy mi történik, a terapeuta mit miért csinál. Beavatkozás előtt mindig szól, hiszen a harmadik alapelv kapcsán fontos, hogy a vendég tudatánál legyen arról, mi történik vele. A kezelés a legtöbb esetben kényelmes ruhában történik, a vizsgálatokkor előfordulhat, hogy fehérneműre kell vetkőzni, de azt is csak akkor, ha a helyzet indokolttá teszi. A végén összegzés történik, és javaslat arról, hogy a továbbiakban mi szükséges ahhoz, hogy a panasz teljesen megszűnjön, vagy ne térjen vissza.Források:personalbest.huAndrew Taylor Still UniversityOrmos Gábor: A csontkovácsok titkaiA.T.Still önéletrajzi könyve – Autobiography of A. T. Still Revised Edition